Angel Fund
The Angel Fund for ALS Research (Angel Fund, Inc.) is an independent non-profit charity dedicated to supporting the ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) research of Dr. Robert Brown and his team of researchers at the UMass Chan Medical School in Worcester, MA, internationally recognized for its ground-breaking work in the fight against this devastating illness.
We are proud to say that of funds expended, 92% goes to research. We are so very fortunate to have so many Angel Fund family members who care so much and help us by hosting events, participating in the events, donating, and volunteering. All for our mission – to find a treatment and cure for ALS.
I went to the Angel Fund Gala on September 29, 2023. This is when we gave the $1,000 check for research to find a cure for ALS. This is Rich Kennedy. President of The Angel Fund for ALS Research. He is living with ALS and has lost his father and two brothers to the disease. It was a great event can't wait to do more with this amazing foundation.